True Romance

My finger won’t pull the trigger and my mind won’t let me settle on one thing until it’s done.  Changing lanes repeatedly. Repeatedly. I am lost in desire, caught in the trap of desire for no desires.  Is this too complicated? Can you hear me? What are you going to- wait, that’s not what I wanted to say. Someone was saying it on TV.

I wish I had a typewriter but I guess this laptop is better. What is it about the past that has us so charmed.  It was just as fucked up as today.  Maybe more so? I don’t know.

One thing I hate are hipsters and protesters and junkies.  They’re all the same to me.

Virtual worlds are what we live in today, not that it’s a bad thing.  Only, to me, it doesn’t seem like a good thing.  The same goes with sex and food.  And money.

I know this might seem like random rants from the mind of a maniac but this is only partly true.  I say what I feel.  If that’s not poetry I don’t know what is.

All sexual relationships are false.  Children are not worth having.  The human race should kill itself off by having no more children.

Work is the greatest living hell and should be reduced as much as possible.
All the scientific and artistic endeavors we are chasing should be put to an end.
Life is not worth it.  Death is just as good as life.  If someone wants to commit suicide we should support them.

I don’t believe in any concepts such as, truth or normal or good or evil or holy or enlightenment. Everything just is. All words are false.
These are my true feelings.
That is all.

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