
a tweety bird came into my room
told me she was waitin in her room
all by herself listenin to Drake’s Marvin’s Room
thinking about old memories of past June
when we used to go by the beach
and lay down until the ground gave out from underneath
our love was too big for the Earth to handle
our words the lyrics to this instrumental
we thought those other couples couldn’t hold a candle
but we just fell for another dream
hearts got tangled
and then any hopes for a future were horribly mangled
when looking at the truth in the eyes
you suddenly become sentimental
but when I called you that night
all you said was leave you alone, you felt strangled
maybe that was your conscious
letting you know my feelings aren’t yours to fuck with
and if you do something wrong you gotta face the consequences
lucky your alive cuz I held all my punches
but when you call and I don’t pick up
I bet it feels like shit and I hope you give up
there’s nothing left go dry your tears
and hide your face behind your makeup
I know it hurts, I read those texts
next year you’ll say, “fuck my ex,
my new man is better at sex”
and I’ll know it was all for the best

My Shift is Over

okay, okay
I walked home after work
thinking about payday
wondering if I just stayed an extra hour would it all be worth it
but I get on the bus and forget it
on to the next one
worrying about real problems
what’s left now that I have no responsibility
only room to eat
nothing else is worthy
my friend calls me
and asks if we can meet
it’s only six thirty
and I haven’t even watched any TV
I need my fix of youtube still
and maybe watch a movie
my nights don’t start until around nine
and then I go to sleep at two
and wake up early
and complain about my dreams
can’t even get out of bed
all I want is to rest just a little while longer
forget about the hunger
and close my eyes to black
living while dead
I know you’ve never heard of that
but it works real well in the end
when your sitting by yourself
and you don’t have anymore friends
I heard your youngest child doesn’t like you
and your hurt
well I don’t know anyone who likes their parents
I don’t know what that observation is worth
my mother called me yesterday
and said I haven’t been home in a while
I said if I wanted to hear complaining
I’d hang out with one of my friends in a relationship
and see all of the things I’d hate to deal with
and I love the way she says oooh ooooh
on that Spaceship track
I might be a dropout but I never said I wanted any of that
you give me advice
but I never complained about anything
you tell me I’m miserable
but you’ve never seen my without a smile
sometimes it takes a long time to finish a poem
and I just don’t have the patience
I wanna get it all out in one stream
like I’m puking out my feelings
not the best simile
but then I’m not the greatest poet
I just hope you understand me and for those who feel the same way
at least you got it
I don’t expect to change the world or sell out the stores
most people won’t ever read my words
or maybe like Van Gogh I’ll be famous after I’m dead
but I don’t like living in fantasies
I’m just happy writing what I wish I had said

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FVCK TITLES: No, This Is The Title

words break hearts, start holocausts, give orders to kill, save people
there is no such thing as magic
there is no such thing as magic
I feel regret
if I don’t do this then, dot dot dot
if I jumped then, no dots
postponing my graduation because I’m too scared of threats
flying is scary but falling seems nice
trying to keep my mind like a cup
but the water always overflows by the time I pick it up
I saw her the other day
first time in more than three years
she didn’t say anything but I know she saw me
probably thought about me
that’s why she looked angry and turned around so I wouldn’t see her
but it’s too late and she could move somewhere else but she doesn’t do that either
I hope this is interesting
I always ask questions about what people would want to read
like I really care when I already think I write what you need
and I write what sounds good
you can’t say my lines don’t flow like Iggy Azalea does
I’ll paint a thousand pictures of multiple orgasms in your mind if I could
this is a revolution in the way poetry makes a living
no more interpretations
no more metaphors or words to look up in the dictionary
I keep it simple like Kanye
that’s the only way to penetrate your heart like an A bomb on Nagasaki
I mean that’s the only way to get through to you like when you listen to Drake and say he should be your homie
and things are so hard right now
I need a minute just to calm down
take a shot of Johnny Walker
let it sit for a bit and then I’m a little better
I can drive again without having to pull over
can we get another shot of whiskey here waiter?
can’t we just stay in, baby, and sleep here?
listen to my friends who all say I’m queer
like what the fuck am I supposed to do
when no one listens or cares they only wanna talk about you
giving advice on what they’d do if they were in my shoes
if you like my life so much I wish we could trade
and you could spend all your time living it up your way
I guess we wouldn’t feel the same
I guess it’s just a real shame
one man’s life is another man’s treasure
one man’s worse is another man’s better
one idea of mine led me to a lifetime of not wanting to be here
maybe this poem is too long
how many words does the average person read?
hopped off the plane yesterday and now people don’t give me any room to breathe
I have a list of things I need to get done before I can even leave
again with all the bullshit I shoulda never came back
just faced my fear and stay alive with open eyes
making your way back when you’ve walked so far
trying to make my mind listen when my feelings are closed off
I’m doing everything inside my head
looking at the world through glass it’s easy to pick out a path
picturing every move like a master of chess
like a pro at Tekken
reading every page of all my books
don’t stop in case I might get stuck
look at me I might give up
just another day of fight or run
picture Jay-Z saying those last four lines
I don’t know how to wrap this up
a girl ran away the other day, add that to the growing list
the sun is gonna explode
the universe will collapse
all life will end
is that too big?  too much?
everything is gonna be over eventually
question everything
I feel like time is running out while writing this
I always look for some quote to end on that will really make you think
and talk about some universal truth
“stop looking”
even though I know you won’t
and most of you will ask what that means

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I was in too deep
like Kanye when he drowned twice
and she didn’t make a peep
just kidding
you know she louder than priya rai right
sneaking in late at night
we undercover in the afternoon
woke up in the evening
she thought she was in her room
she doesn’t call I leave the key under the doormat
I don’t call, got the key to her restaurant
I walk in to be welcomed home by her back
she gets up slow wearing what she really wants
nothing but perfume and her hair pulled back in a bun
if I keep talking about this I’m gonna have to rub out one
or maybe three
just picturing it has my dick feeling like it’s in a dream
it’s been so long since I watched porn
been busy re-enacting all the scenes
so long to all the girls I used to know
I got a good girl
until she walks through the door
bad bitch

Holy Grail Remix

spend your life searching for her
spent all your money and all your honour
now your mother asks for her plate
and her mother asks for a platter
fuck the grail I’ll give you a holy war
burn the temple down make it a morning star
take all your hate and put it in a jar
tell God I’m sending him their hearts
if he wants it he can keep it
he can do whatever he wants
he created push to start
same thoughts on replay
wandering in circles
searching google
to see what they say
I can’t make up my mind
too many influences
I got the whole world on my mind
and the uneasiness
causes so much stress
I try to let it go
so I digress
before I build mountains out of molehills
creating fear I am afraid of what might spill
you always know what I speak is for real
if there was anything worth giving it all up for
it would be something that would never heal
I’d like to say happiness but the truth remains concealed

I believe in Saul Williams

always thinking
always thinking about what’s next
what should I do now?
where should I look now?
thinking again and again
wanting this and that and the other
a neverending ream of thoughts and feelings
bubbling up from underneath our gut into our heads
until our minds explode with ideas
and we speak our souls to each other
not knowing that our mouths are a trap
and other peoples ears are poachers
when I look at you it makes me sick
I want to kill children
I want to destroy the world
everything that came before is now after
the world spins and turns so much I am dizzy and nauseous
I need to sit down but there is no still spot in the universe
the stars look at me like what the fuck
when I asked God to prove his existence to me
I heard my breath
but it might have been nothing
I believe in Saul Williams
how many of us travel at night so we don’t feel lonely?
I am at home on the beach by the water
if all grains of sand are different
then who gives a fuck?
when I look out the window I see unnecessary
I know that was grammatically incorrect but you still understand the effect
that rhymed
open up your heart to try and accept others and you will find
that you just don’t care anymore
as I pause to think of another line words come to me until I latch onto one
and then another
building a sentence out of thin air with rules outside of my control
words come from nowhere but saying they came from me makes me popular
my nose is crooked
my back hurts
work is the most hellish thing ever created
if I had workers I would let them all go and fire myself
and we would party all night until there was no food left
and nothing to drink
that would be worth it
and we would live by doing only what is necessary and share with each other
my mother does not understand the lies that make up the foundation of life
my father chases dreams of fortune knowing they are like bubbles
only beautiful because they are empty
when you break apart the Earth
and split the soil apart
there is emptiness between them
and between the emptiness more soil
but between the soil more emptiness
that came from the Huckabees
if the world was like Heaven we would chase after Hell
if the sky was red maybe we wouldn’t ask why
sleep is a waste of time
so is eating and sex and pissing
education has been so important in my life I didn’t go to school
sacrificing the lamb we get blood
sacrifice you and you don’t get anything
but you’re sacrificed
I thought that would be nice
I don’t know how to end this poem
maybe I’ll type forever creating a record of the world and my thoughts
over the decades and it will be continued by future scribes for centur-

Last dance (on a beach getting drunk)

fingers move without a reason
like things alive in the summer season
everything moving to the beat and the rhythym
can i just get one last dance
I don’t want it to be him
could we go away
to a place where we sleep all day
and have sex all night
no more packed flights
and getting up just to work and then
get drunk to forget the night
I wanna remember everything you did to me
because when I think about the damage
i know what to do to be free
next time I won’t fall for looks
picking girls like recipes from a cook book
looking inside with a scalpel
sometimes I need a bigger knife
is there any easy way to tell
if you would leave at the first sign
things ain’t goin so well
or do I have to wait for the text
that says it was because of the sex
lies are what im used to
I learned to read between the lines
by looking right through you

#NaPoWriMo Day 21: Off the top of my head

off the top of my head
just getting out of bed
my words are bullets
I shoot until your dead
fill bullet holes
with mad rhymes
and your ears know
that what they heard was priceless
and what they feel is worth it
traveling on trains
to places inside of your brain
when people on the other side
are searching for a way back
you don’t listen to their replies
just keep pushing in all out attack
ignoring signs of your demise
but truth be told I used to believe those lies
I just hope I’m not one you despise
because I told you what you would find
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